Here are various anagrams of many words!
Here are 15 'amazing' questions. Which are true and which are false?!
Bonfire night is on 5th November and is associated with Guy Fawkes. 15 questions here.
Here is a list of 20 large towns and cities in the UK. Choose the anagrams for each one.
Guy Fawkes is often associated with Bonfire Night. Here are 12 questions about him and his conspirators.
Thomas Jeffrey Hanks is an American actor and filmmaker. He is regarded as an American cultural icon.
Weather comes in all forms. We are currently having a very mixed spell here in the UK. Test your knowledge on weather patterns worldwide.
Planets are large natural objects that orbit, or travel around, stars.
Many fictional schools feature in films and television programmes. 15 questions here.
Halloween is now upon us and with it words that are often only used at this time of year. Here are 15 anagrams.