Twenty questions about film sets where all of the following films were made.
There are many age restrictions in place in the UK for purchases. Test your knowledge here.
We all remember sweets from our childhood. This quiz may bring back some memories!
Twenty quite easy general knowledge questions. A choice of two answers for each.
Charles Dickens is regarded by many to be the greatest novelist of the Victorian Era. Here are 20 questions. 2 possible answers for each.
A new Century began in 2000. Ten questions, one for each year 2000- 2009.
Chocolate can take the form of a paste or solid block often made from roasted and ground cacao seeds, also bought as a powder for hot drinks and cooking.
Abba are a phenomenally successful group from Stockholm who continue to give people great pleasure from their music.
A random selection of 20 whacky (to me anyway!) questions. Two possible answers for each.
Motown music still gives loads of pleasure. Here are 20 questions from the 60's onwards. A choice of 2 answers for each.