Words are used continuously 24/7 365 days a year, where would we be without them? This category deals with spellings, the meanings of words and more.
A new true or false answer quiz about unusual words and their meanings. 20 to guess.
Find the missing vowels of these girls names. N-Z One for each letter.
Find the missing vowels of these girls names. A-M. One for each letter.
Find the missing vowels to these popular boys names. N-Z. One for each letter.
Here is a list of boys names with the vowels missing. A-M. One for each letter.
A metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable. Here are 20 with a choice of two answers.
Word quizzes are very popular. Here is a random selection of 20 weird words and sayings. 2 possible answers for each.
Here are some of the most frequently misspelled words and their meanings. A choice of 4 answers. One for each word. N-Z
Here are some of the most frequently misspelled words and their meanings. A choice of 4 answers. One for each word. A-M
The second part of the new words quiz. A True or False answer for 13. N-Z.